This is the continuation of HSMAU203. The student will delve deeper into the philospohy of the Mandukya Upanishad. The students will learn Shlokas 9 to 12 and Sant Vanis that relate to these Shlokas. With this, the student completes the study of all the 12 Shlokas of the Mandukya Upanishad.
- To understand the meaning of Shloka 9
- To sing Shloka 9 in Raga Kumudakriya
- To understand the meaning of Shloka 10
- To sing Shloka 10 in Raga Simhendramadhyama
- To understand the meaning of Shloka 11
- To sing Shloka 11 in Raga Shivaranjani
- To understand how a verse by Sant Dnyandev in Marathi reflects Shloka 9,10,11
- To listen to the story of Dynandev
- To sing Dynandev’s verse in Raga Shivaranjani and Taal Sooltal
- To understand how a verse by Lingayat poet Urilingapeddi in Kannada reflects Shloka 9,10,11
- To sing Urilingapeddi’s verse in Raga Abhogi
- To understand the meaning of Shloka 12
- To sing Shloka 12 in Raga Bhupali
- To understand how a verse by the Sufi mystic Shah Abdul Latif in Sindhi reflects Shloka 12
- To sing Shah Abdul Latif’s verse in Raga Sindhu Bhairavi and Taal Chautal
- The student will create at least one expression of the meaning of each of the Shlokas through narration/ writing/ enactment/ illustration.
- The student will express understanding of the Shloka through each associated Sant Vani by explaining how the poetry of the Saint describes the gist of each Shloka.
- The Student will sing the Aroha and Avaroha of each Raga in which each of the Shlokas and Sant Vanis are composed.
- The Student will be able to sing each Shloka and Sant Vani while listening to the track or independently.