USD 555

Course duration
12 week(s)
Request Information

This is the continuation of HSMAU203. The student will delve deeper into the philospohy of the Mandukya Upanishad. The students will learn Shlokas 9 to 12 and Sant Vanis that relate to these Shlokas. With this, the student completes the study of all the 12 Shlokas of the Mandukya Upanishad.


  • To understand the meaning of Shloka 9
  • To sing Shloka 9 in Raga Kumudakriya
  • To understand the meaning of Shloka 10
  • To sing Shloka 10 in Raga Simhendramadhyama
  • To understand the meaning of Shloka 11
  • To sing Shloka 11 in Raga Shivaranjani
  • To understand how a verse by Sant Dnyandev in Marathi reflects Shloka 9,10,11
  • To listen to the story of Dynandev
  • To sing Dynandev’s verse in Raga Shivaranjani and Taal Sooltal 
  • To understand how a verse by Lingayat poet Urilingapeddi in Kannada reflects Shloka 9,10,11
  • To sing Urilingapeddi’s verse in Raga Abhogi 
  • To understand the meaning of Shloka 12
  • To sing Shloka 12 in Raga Bhupali
  • To understand  how a verse by the Sufi mystic Shah Abdul Latif in Sindhi reflects Shloka 12
  • To sing Shah Abdul Latif’s verse in Raga Sindhu Bhairavi  and Taal Chautal

Completion of HSMAU203

  • The student will create at least one expression of the meaning of each of the Shlokas through narration/ writing/ enactment/ illustration.
  • The student will express understanding of the Shloka through each associated Sant Vani by explaining how the poetry of the Saint describes the gist of each Shloka.
  • The Student will sing the Aroha and Avaroha of each Raga in which each of the Shlokas and Sant Vanis are composed.
  • The Student will be able to sing each Shloka and Sant Vani while listening to the track or independently.